Monday, February 16, 2009

Creation Science/Intelligent Design Propaganda in Rogers High School? Dr. Steve says that Greer wouldn't put up with such nonsense.

Creation Science/Intelligent Design Propaganda in Rogers High School? From the Arkansas Times via Dr. Steve.

Darrel Henschell of the Fayetteville Freethinkers reports that:

A senior high student at Roger's High School has reported on our Fayetteville Freethinker board that a biology teacher has had the class watch Ben Stein's "Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed."

And no, it wasn't an exercise in discerning what propaganda looks like.

The student observes:

"He [the teacher] denies any evidence of fossils between reptiles and birds (even after I handed him an article discussing several) and probably all other fossils. The man claims that apparently the only eight* ancestors of men's fossils have been disproven, or something like that. He also made the argument from authority, "I can't believe you're arguing with a biology teacher about this."

For more about the Fayetteville Free Thinkers:


Quote of the Day

"In this world of sin and sorrow there is always something to be thankful for; as for me, I rejoice that I am not a Republican." --H.L. Mencken


Anonymous said...

In the forum, the student says he went to Principal Stringer with his concerns. He says that Stringer "blew me off, saying I brought zero information about ID and how he is legally obligated to do anything."

I miss Dr. King.

Anonymous said...

I would be more interested in hearing what was said on both sides of that conversation. It seems a little one-sided so far.
a. earls

Anonymous said...

Virg--It's hard to think clearly when your in a rage----Dr. Steve is absolutely right----Greer would not have put up with such nonsense----Question is, what is the current crowd going to do???-------As a personal favor please , in the future, refer to this group as creationists and don't grant them the annoying annexation of the words intelligent or science.

Anonymous said...

I’m glad Mr. Lingle does not know…………….allot of stuff that is happening these days!!!!! WHAT A GREAT GUY!!!!!!! I LOVE(D) HIM TO DEATH……….