What will President Bush's strategery for dealing with this disaster be? Will he:
a) Step up the "Surge" in Iraq.
b) Bomb Iran.
c) Increase his campaigning for McCain because the current strategery is working.
d) All of the above.
Still a Son of a Coal Miner's Daughter.
you said it all. I am guessing "all of the above." it is very depressing, and we deserve it all because this is our country, and somehow, W got elected.
Or E) Offer them asylum, send them to Ft. Chaffee, pay them $90 per day, plus free meals to play in the "mock Afghan Village". They'll all ready have the villages built, courtesy of our dear government, at a low nominal fee estimated at $20 million, which includes the mock village complete with mosques and a soccer field that is scheduled to be added in 2011, if all goes well!!!!! Hip, Hip, HooRAY!!!! GODDETTE, HOW IN THE HELL DID YOU FORGET THAT ONE!!!!! (see http://www.nwanews.com/adg/News/226450/ for full story......)
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