Monday, January 23, 2012

Something progressives, liberals and environmentalist should read.

It is my view that America has lost its commitment to reason.  The left is guided by emotion and the right by belief.  Reason resides in neither.  One can doubtless fault the following but there is a great deal of truth stated here.  Few will read it, though they may read about it, because the modern American attention span is about as broad as the wave length of blue light and we are all too busy to be bother with what is really important.  If anything does not instantly stimulate our emotions or our beliefs, as the case may be, if it requires nuanced consideration or calculation, we turn it off.  Still I commend it none the less.  (P.S. I do not claim exception.  I too skimmed parts, when I knew where he was going.  The point is to absorb and consider the argument.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Thanks for drawing our attention to this.
