Thursday, December 08, 2011

America - A tyranny of ignorance manipulated by money

I think it is terribly interesting how our current political state has come about, in which one party has become completely addicted to manipulating the insanity referenced in the humors quiz below, bringing the nation to a state of policy paralysis through political polarlization. This has come to pass not as the result of premeditated intent, but merely incidental to the process of money seeking its own interest in the political arena – Adam Smith’s invisible hand of greed at work, only delivering political perspectives rather than goods and services. 

A two generation Cold War struggle against “godless communism” laid the indoctrinal groundwork for the transformation. Though long since discredited as a realistic economic concept, laissez faire economics is the polar opposite of central planning. The commies were atheistic central planners.  America was blessed by God and believed in "the free market". In this way free market economics became a form of religious dogma in the minds of a certain demographic, a divine revelation presumed to be inherently flawless and beyond human improvement. That America had not ascended on laissez faire economics, that totally free markets hardly ever exist in reality, or the fact that total central planning does not work does not mean that none is desirable, have, under the incessant propaganda of moneyed interest exploiting this cold war artifact, been lost over the heads of those most offended by the secular aspirations of communism. The upshot, laissez faire economic theory has effectively been married with a populous pseudo American christianity to form a mindset ignorant of the inherent contradictions.

For this demographic, the flag is not a political symbol but a religious icon. America has overtly become the new promised land and Americans (at least white ones) the new chosen people. America’s military, supported by her indomitable free market economy, is the righteous hand of the lord. Her empire the cross she must bear as part of our divinely ordained destiny to suppress the unbelievers and support Israel until the apocalypse comes. God has made some men wealthy to provide the rest of us with work, we must not tax them unduly. The state has taken our children’s prayers away, provided schools that defy our bible, condemned our prejudices through its courts, seeks to marry our children into homosexual relationships, and otherwise lends itself as a tool of evil liberalism/humanism, which are just relabeled socialism and not so far from communism. Intellectuals are the carriers for all this evil and therefore can't be trusted.  

In its core form this strange theocratic construct that construes enlightment to be evil, is held only by a few. However, as the sun’s influence extends vastly beyond its physical self, so to does this nonsense taint a larger demographic. To the extent that we act as if this state of affairs is natural, and inevitable we perpetuate it. Sarcasm, is one useful tool for its condemnation. Whoever put this together is doing great works.

One can only hope that as America stumbles around in its current darkness it will come across the torch of the enlightenment that it carried for humanity to such great effect for its first two hundred years and upon that rediscovery will come to realize that ignorance itself, in alliance with and empowered by the interests of money itself, are what has been pulling it down; the same forces that have held most of humanity down for most of human history, forces uniquely rejected by the founders as evidenced by the quotations in this little piece and inherent in the constitutional prohibition regarding church and state. 

This alliance of greed and ignorance has brought a tyranny upon the nation, it is the road block to the future. Forgive me if I render too serious something so light but there is often humor in tragedy, enjoy:

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