Sunday, June 26, 2011

Pray for the Wisdom to Use the Science God Gave Us.

The consequences of having a party in power that prefers ideology to facts can only be disaster.   Romney & Huntsman, the only non nut-jobs in the Republican field, know that climate change is a scientific reality, but don’t have the balls to do anything about it because they fear alienating the base of ideologues who believe that the universe was made in 7 calendar days.  If we treat misreading of scripture as science the planet and life on it as we know it is doomed. 
This misguided ideology also threatens to destroy us economically.  Ron Regan mentioned a disturbing continuum- “You deny evolution.  Then you deny global warming.  Then you're talking about birtherism, and suddenly you're claiming that when that when you cut taxes, you actually raise revenues.   It's this . . .disdain . . . for reality that disturbs me.. ."  Bob Shrum agreed. "It's a flat earth ideology that goes across the board.  On economics right now, you are seeing Boehner & company trying to argue that the way to help a faltering economy is to take demand out of it so that people buy less, companies produce less and employers hire fewer workers.”

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