Tuesday, January 05, 2010

DeMint Suggests Sergeant Schultz Head TSA!

Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) has blocked the nomination of Erroll Southers, President Obama's pick to head the Transportation Security Administration and "not just because he's a negro," says DeMint.   DeMint is also concerned because it's possible that Southers may allow TSA employees to unionize and earn a living wage.  "We don't want too much competition for these TSA jobs" claims DeMint.  "In the long run, Southers would only be hurting his own people" he added.  . 
With increasing security breaches at airports, DeMint realizes that someone must take the reins of the agency.  He has proposed famous former security officer, Sergeant Shultz.  "He's white, experienced, and definitely anti-union" says DeMint.

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