Laura Vaughn värvades till P18 förra året. Snabbt blev amerikanskan en nyckelfigur i laget med sin rutin. Under våren har Dalhem/P18 haft kontakt med Laura och i början av veckan blev övergången klar. See, also
I have a black hair band in me hair just like little Laura's today!!!! Me so proud; full of pride....the pride is just a gushin!!!!! Kind of like when me and Bill O'Reilly get together......see me post of today:http://sallyisnotsnoddy.blogspot.com/2009/05/bill-oreilly.html
P.S...we're not kin, are we?????
We're kin in that she's cousin Jim's niece by marriage. Barbara's sister Marsha & brother-in-law Sam's daughter.
Good post on Billo.
You ain't been hittin the sauce already have you?
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