Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Habeas Corpus Is One Freedom They’ll No Longer Hate Us For Having.

Habeas Corpus, born circa 1300 in England was killed yesterday. She was inducted into the United States Constitution in 1789. With her death, the President of the United States can put any U.S. citizen, including you and me, in a secret jail without telling us why, deny us the constitutional right to trial by jury, torture us, and even execute us.

In other news ten more GI’s died in Iraq yesterday.

Today’s historical note-We used to consider waterboarding a war crime. How quaint.

Today's Music.


Anonymous said...

In case you guys did not know it, now even U.S. citizens can be detained, tortured up to the point of death or organ failure and held indefinitely without charge or access to an attorney or the outside world in general. It brings new meaning to the concepts of the Empire and the Rebellion in the Star Wars movies. Which one are we to the rest of the world? And who does the rest of the world think is the human incarnate of the evil Emperor Darth Sidious from the movie? Sounds like something Virgil would be interested in musing about.

Anonymous said...

IF Article E passes in South Dakota, can they file suit against Federal Judges? OR…
Is it just state officials?
Does that also extend to other elected officials, such as Legislative and Executive Branches?
How about local school boards?
Surely the military tribunal won't be subjected to this level of micro scrutiny by a bunch of whacked-out axe grinders.
I only caught about 5 min. from NPR this AM, but doesn't "The Jail-a-Judge Bill" just have a comforting, safe, sound?
Our society has turned stark raving paranoid vindictive nut cases.

Our courts were once said to be our "Fair and Final protector…"

Anonymous said...

If it was so damned important to the security of our country why did Bush wait nearly a month to sign it? He had said it was urgent. God Nixon looks good. At least he was smart and knew something about diplomacy.

Anonymous said...

Very serious and disturbing.