Thursday, March 29, 2012

On This Day in 1882 The Knights of Columbus Organization Was Established.

During the same year, the Indian Rights Association was formed.  The reasons that the two groups didn't form as one or, at least merge, are unclear, but communication was always a problem in them days.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Pump Prices Shump Prices.

Our leaders are so myopic and tradition bound, they can't think outside the box. If we would simply go to the metric system, as most of the rest of the world has, we would get instant relief from the high prices at the gasoline pump.  It worked in England, (see picture) and it can work here.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


"If everyone demanded peace instead of another television set, then there’d be peace."- John Lennon
Thanks to Rev. Sandi

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Lucy: "Your ignorance is appalling." Linus: "Most ignorance is."

 ". . .PPP asks Republicans in Alabama, ‘Do you think Barack Obama is a Christian or a Muslim, or are you not sure?’ Guess how many say Christian? 14%! Among the remaining 86%, ‘Muslim’ slightly leads ‘not sure,’ 45%-41%. (‘Not sure’ may by the demographic Rick Santorum is reaching out to when he accuses Obama of peddling a ‘phony theology.’)
But the Alabama Republicans are a thoroughly trusting lot in comparison with their Mississippi brethren. Among Mississippi Republicans, just 12% say Christian, 52% say Muslim, and 36% aren't sure.
The poll also finds that two-thirds of the Republicans in both states do not believe in evolution. Two-thirds of Alabama Republicans also believe interracial marriage ought to be legal, compared with 54% of Mississippi Republicans. Progress!” Obama Still Muslim, Report Southern Republicans By Jonathan Chait

 I don't like piling on the South. I bet the results are representative of that brand of Republican so blinded by hate, anger, and fear that they vote against their own interests wherever they are.  BTW, the sign pictured here is in Colorado.
Thanks to Gary.