Monday, June 07, 2010

Thanks for Trying, Pope John.

Pope John XXIII left us 47 years ago this month. He convened the Second Vatican Council to get the Church out of the dark ages and to bring us all together.  John Paul II & Benedict XVI have not been so enlightened.  "One crucial principle so prominent in the council's thinking, 'collegiality' in making decisions on the future of the church, has been set aside during both John Paul II's and Benedict's pontificates.
All this has happened while the Vatican has consistently spoken of its faithfulness to the principles of Vatican II. There have been two ways of opposing those principles: one to express opposition openly as some ultra-conservatives have done, the other to rewrite Vatican II's history, as curia officials and their admirers have been doing over the last quarter-century and more. This is what Our Lady of Belém was treated to last week. Well, she's full of grace, so I expect she smiled." Vatican II: Benedict rewrites history- At a speech in Portugal Pope Benedict gave us a rare insight into his feelings about the second Vatican council. By Diarmaid MacCulloch
I miss Tom Lehrer too.  Take it away Tom.

1 comment:

YAT said...

Speaking of backward, five of the supreme court justices are conservative Catholics and three are linked to Opus Dei.