Sunday, June 27, 2010

Don't Make Boudica Angry. You Wouldn't Like Her When She's Angry.

Boudica "slaughtered a Roman army. She torched Londinium, leaving a charred layer almost half a meter thick that can still be traced under modern London. According to the Roman historian Cornelius Tacitus, her army killed as many as 70,000 civilians in Londinium, Verulamium and Camulodunum, rushing 'to cut throats, hang, burn, and crucify. . . .Why was she so angry?"  See,  Boudica: Celtic War Queen Who Challenged Rome
Thanks to Warrior Queens Melissa & Lainie.

I found this version done in a lower range.  I hope it saves lives.  In any event, you and Boudica should like the images.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I don't even have to read the rest of the article to know why she was so mad. Someone had written "Where are the Simple Joys of Maidenhood" in a key outside of her vocal range and she couldn't sing it every so often to let off steam.