Sunday, October 02, 2011

How Bout Them Hogs?


eileen061209 said...

Writing from California once again, folks. I am in the dead center of a personal dilemma involving not having my needs met, i.e. others don't understand the world revolves around me; having already missed the one day of fall in central California; having given up alcohol long ago and cigarettes last year leaving myself void of any coping skills in times of tragedy and still trying to break in a new titanium hip....and so, I decided to visit Virg, who always makes me laugh. In spite of the fact that he knows I believe football, and everything associated with the game to be the pass time of Neanderthals, he did bestow a delightful musical soundtrack for the video. I closed my eyes and it was charming: An earlier version, no doubt, of my favorite entertainer, Prince Poppycock.

Virgil said...

Glad to be of service Eileen. Thanks for your support for me & them hogs.