Wednesday, July 13, 2011

I'll Kiss Rick Perry's Sociopathic Ass if Either the Statue of Liberty is a Demonic Idol; Oprah Winfrey is the Harbinger of the Antichrist; or if God Approves of Rick’s Shenanigans.

Rick Perry’s plan for solving our economic woes is to have a prayer rally in a Texas stadium, for Christians only.  Those who will lead the praying will include those who believe that:
1)  Tolerance for homosexuality caused the September 11th attacks,
2)  Oprah Winfrey is the harbinger of the Antichrist,
3) The deadly Japanese earthquake was caused by the Emperor having sex with a demon,
4) The repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell caused bird deaths in Arkansas
5) Violence should be considered to overthrow President Obama,.
6)  The Statue of Liberty is in fact a demonic idol.
See, Rick Perry on Right Wing Watch.

It sounds like blasphemy to me Rick.  That said, maybe getting rid of the Statue of Liberty would be an appropriate if you were elected.  Why have a statue honoring an outdated idea?  Snuffing Obama, Oprah, and homosexuals, though would actually be devastating to our economy.  My guess is that, aside from constitutional issues and the likelihood that we would lose our world leadership role because other nations would think that our leaders are lunatics, banning sex with demons would probably be harmless.

1 comment: said...

Can I copy and paste this on my blog. This is good stuff.