Uncle Fergus is having his trail run on October 4, 2008. It's time to start training. Virg 'n Mary n' Sally will participate, but to avoid the appearance of impropriety, Fergus has decreed that we will not be eligible for the prizes. Without our competition, some of you will have a chance to win.
Has your brain left you??? You know that I can't run and it hurts me that you would even print such foot fodder!!!!! I think you're making fun now!!
No fun intended. I said you'd participate-not that you would run. The real reason Fergus banned us from taking the prizes is because he knows that we have inherited the ability from Don Juan Snoddy to use the Nagual and the Tonal be in two places at the same time. You'd be to the finish line before the sound of the starting gun faded.
I'm glad you clarified yourself....
Thank you!
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